S.C. House Republican Caucus Agenda

This session was a huge success for House Republicans. We were able to pass 27 conservative reforms during our two-year session. In addition to those 27 reforms, we also created two conservative budgets that provided more than one billion dollars in tax relief to South Carolinians, repaid much of the state’s unemployment debt, and fully […]

S.C. House Republican Caucus 2011-2012 End of Session Report

The 2012 Session has officially come to a close, and I want to give you a detailed account of what we worked on in the House over the last year. The following report includes each piece of major legislation individually, along with their respective descriptions and current status. I hope that you have a great […]

Happy Fourth of July

“When in the course of human events…” – 236 years ago those words took the world by storm. I know you’ll enjoy today with family and friends. Just take a moment though to remember how 236 years ago, starting a nation was a crazy idea. We’re here today because of the leadership of our Founding […]

Facebook Town Hall

Had a great Facebook town hall last week. Please watch and learn more about what happened in Columbia this session and what we’ll do in the future. Town Hall with SC Rep. Tommy Pope June 26, 2012 from Citizen Hill on Vimeo.

Legislative Update from Rep. Tommy Pope

Tommy Pope introduces Miss York, Alyssa Puckett, to wish her the best of luck and rally all of York’s support of her in the upcoming Miss South Carolina pageant. He also discusses the big issue plaguing the representatives this week, which is dealing with the repercussions of the candidates who were stricken from the ballot […]