Election Day is Almost Here!

Tommy talks about the upcoming election.  We still have a few spots we need people to wave signs on Tuesday if you are interested.  The campaign party will be at BackHome BBQ Tuesday night.  Please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/im-on-the-popeteam-election-night-party-tickets-29058056429?aff=es2. Don’t forget to vote!!!!

Weekly Whereabouts- April 25, 2016

Monday- Elrod Pope Law Firm Tuesday- Session in Columbia Wednesday- Session in Columbia Thursday- Session in Columbia then 5th District Convention in Rock Hill that evening Friday- Elrod Pope Law Firm Feel free to reach out to Tommy: E-mail: tommy@tommypope.com Twitter: @tommypopesc Facebook: Tommy Pope

Weekly Whereabouts- April 19, 2016

    Monday: Went to Greenville to speak to Republican Women then went to Abbeville County to speak with Chief of Police and Sherriff Tuesday: Elrod Pope Law Firm then session in Columbia, Pancake dinner with Clover Rotary Wednesday: Session in Columbia Thursday: Session in Columbia, Meeting with Boeing in Rock Hill in the evening […]

Legislative Update: April 1, 2016

Tommy has been in the office all week due to Furlough. Although he was not in Columbia it has still been a busy week getting started back on the campaign trail for House 47! We look forward to continuing earning your trust and serving you in Columbia.

Weekly Whereabouts- March 21, 2016

Monday: Video shoot in the morning, civil hearing, then into session for budget week. Tuesday: Budget Wednesday: Budget Thursday: Budget Friday: Erwin Elementary visit and Pope for Governor Steering Committee meeting.

Weekly Whereabouts- March 14, 2016

Tommy Pope discusses this week! Monday: Bethel Elementary School, Meeting with David Lisk about Nurse-Family Partnerships for the three county region, York County Sportsman Committee, and York County Republican Women Tuesday: Session in Columbia- Realtors and Home Builders in town Wednesday: Session in Columbia- SC Firefighters Association and Judges Association Thursday: Session in Columbia- Leadership […]

Weekly Whereabouts- March 7, 2016

Tommy reviews his upcoming week. Lots on the calendar this week! -Monday: In the Elrod Pope Office and on Winthrop University’s campus meeting with President Mahony -Tuesday: In session and recognizing local veteran Frank Walker. That evening will be meeting with SC Guard Association at the First Citizen’s Café -Wednesday: In session and meeting with […]