Legislation During Crossover Week
Rep. Tommy Pope talks about Voter ID, the Amazon tax break, crossover week & more in his latest video update.
Joint Conference Committee Agrees On Clean Voter ID Bill!
Friends, I am pleased to see that my fellow representatives have not given up on the important Voter ID legislation. Now that a clean version of the bill is out of committee, I look forward to doing my part in the House to get this legislation passed and sent on to the Senate. Please read […]
Rep. Tommy Pope Talks About Voter ID Bill, Tort Reform
Rep. Pope Speaks On Voter ID Bill
House GOP Approves Voter ID
House GOP Approves Voter ID COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina’s House Republicans ushered the “Voter ID” legislation through the House today on a party-line vote. “Protecting the integrity of the election system of South Carolina is the goal of this bill,” said Rep. Alan Clemmons, R-Myrtle Beach. “Voting is a constitutionally protected right and cannot […]