SC House puts unprecedented 415 million in new money in roads

S.C. House of Representatives Funds Roads

COLUMBIA, SC – Today the State House of Representatives put an unprecedented $415 million in additional funding to SC roads. This new funding, allocated as part of this week’s House budget debate process, will go toward maintenance and construction of South Carolina’s infrastructure at the state and local level.

Commenting on this move, Majority Leader Bruce Bannister said, “While some state elected officials doubted the House’s commitment to vastly increase funding for South Carolina roads, I didn’t. I know how dedicated our caucus is to improving South Carolina roads and never doubted that they would surpass all expectations when the time came to act.”

Bannister concluded, “Our commitment was more than talking about roads again this session. It was more than passing bills that called for funding. As a Republican majority, we did something unusual by Columbia standards–we actually funded roads beyond other proposals while respecting hard working taxpayers in the process.”

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