One Week to Go

We are in the final week of our campaign and need your help more than ever. These last few days will directly determine the outcome of this election, so your support with volunteer work would certainly be appreciated. If you are interested in joining our sign-waving crew, then please fill out the form below. Thank you!

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Please join me tomorrow for my weekly “Tuesdays with Tommy” event in Lake Wylie at 8:30am. This is a terrific opportunity for us to sit down and discuss any issues that you have on your mind. I truly enjoy having a casual chat every week with the concerned citizens of District 47, and look forward to hearing what you have to say. See you there!

Dilworth Coffee House in Lake Wylie

4739 Charlotte Hwy. (next to Bojangles’)


I’m Ready for the Hard Work

We’ve knocked on hundreds of your doors. I’ve called hundreds of your homes. I’m actually comforted to know that I’m not the only person frustrated with the direction our current batch of politicians are taking our state and our nation. Too many of us feel that our elected officials are more concerned with the desires […]

Tommy and His Camera

By now you’ve heard a lot about the need for transparency in Columbia. Politicians are spending too much money on pork projects in secret. The outcome becomes bloated budgets, higher taxes and a failing economy. Tommy has been saying that he’ll fight for transparency in Columbia, but he may have taken the idea of transparency […]

Be Sure Your Vote is Counted

In order for us to turn things around in this state, each and every person needs to make sure that he or she is registered to vote. Today marks the last day when you can register for the November 2 elections. If you are already registered but think that you might have problems voting on […]