Statehouse Report #13

Crossover Week & Primary Election


This week marked what is known as the “crossover” deadline, in which bills passed by either the full House or Senate must be sent to the opposite chamber for a vote in order to be considered for final passage. For instance, if a bill that originated in the House earlier this year had not received a final up or down vote in that chamber by April 10th, the “crossover” deadline, the bill would be effectively dead because the House missed the deadline to send the bill to the Senate. However, if 2/3rds of those present and voting in the Senate agreed to waive the rule, a House bill passed after “crossover” could be placed on the calendar for consideration. As of Thursday’s adjournment, there are only 12 legislative days left for each chamber to pass final versions of bills and send them to the governor to be signed into law.


The “crossover” rule was put in place so one chamber is unable to force law on another chamber at the last minute with a lack of time to review its consequences. The legislative branch was designed to be a deliberative institution with both chambers having the opportunity to fully evaluate how a proposed law would affect citizens. Without the “crossover” deadline, impactful legislation would be jammed through the House and Senate during the final few weeks of the legislative session without the much-needed analysis and debate required for good law.


As of Friday, April 13th, there are 60 days until primary Election Day. Republicans are assured to pick up the seat held by Democrat Mike Anthony (District 42-Union), who is retiring at the end of his current term, since no Democrat filed to run for the seat.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Columbia. If you need help navigating state government, or have any thoughts or concerns about what we are doing, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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